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世界は誰のもの?DSについて書いてみた / Whose world is it, really? I wrote a bit about D.S.

▼ The English text is at the bottom of the page.










話が少しそれましたが、数年前に寅さんが大統領だった時に、自分の下で働く人々を次々とクビにしたという報道があり、その時に「You're Fired」という言葉が揶揄的に流行りましたが、これは寅さんが公約に取り掛かろうとすると、ことごとくDSの人が、寅さんがやろうとしていることの真反対のことをし出すということが頻発して「ああ、自分はDSに囲まれてしまっているのだな」と悟ったそうです。それで「You're Fired」を連発した、つまりDSの人々を次々クビにしたとのことです。このことも下の動画の中で言及しています。








How often do you watch the news? I’ve enjoyed following the news since I was a kid, and I used to watch it frequently. Now, I don’t have a TV at home, so I rely on web news for my daily updates. But web news doesn’t feel all that different from TV news. Major media outlets and other mainstream sources often restrict what they report, so the full truth doesn’t always reach the public. Sometimes they even report falsehoods, and I've recently come to understand this more clearly. It may be time to stop relying solely on mainstream media. Instead, it might be wiser to continue watching mainstream news without assuming it’s the whole truth. Of course, social media and platforms like YouTube have their share of extreme content, so trusting only them might also be unwise. Going too deep into either side can be dangerous.

By the way, Japanese media has been portraying Mr. T (a candidate in the recent presidential election) as a villain, while showing clear favoritism toward Mr. H, the other candidate. However, some people who follow foreign news understand that this portrayal may not reflect reality. So, who do you think is more genuinely focused on policy? You might find the answer by examining each candidate’s past achievements and speeches.


Now, I realize that what I’m sharing here may already sound somewhat radical, but this is actually far from extreme. There are even more intense stories out there. What truly surprised me, though, was seeing a certain political party’s official channel casually bring up the topic of the DS (laughs). I was shocked, but it also made me realize that this concept is fairly widespread. Given that it’s already so well-known, I thought it might be fine to share it here too.

The DS stands for "Deep State," a term that gained global (or at least U.S. and Japanese) recognition after Mr. T mentioned it in one of his speeches. Before that, I thought only conspiracy theorists used terms like "DS." I’m sure there are many others who felt the same way. The “Deep State” refers to influential figures who operate behind the scenes of government power. It was mentioned in the video that, traditionally, the U.S. president has held significant power worldwide. But in reality, the president doesn’t always hold absolute authority. Looking at the current administration under President B, it becomes clear. B spends nearly half the year on vacation—something widely reported by U.S. media (→ You can read one of those reports here). So, who’s really in charge? Likely, it’s the DS. Over the past four years, with B at the top, both America and Japan have experienced unsettling changes, potentially due to DS influence.

The DS operates solely for its own benefit, sometimes resorting to disturbing tactics. I can’t detail them here due to potential backlash from large search engine corporations, particularly G. G is one of H’s biggest sponsors, as many news reports indicate. If G dislikes certain content, it might make those pages or websites disappear from search results. Censorship seems to be getting stricter; articles that used to show up in searches are no longer visible. And, all fact-checks are produced by G, so anything unfavorable to the D party isn’t surfaced. This situation means the information itself is inherently biased and therefore unreliable.

However, I can offer a few subtle hints. Parents should stay vigilant about their children, and when natural disasters occur, consider that there may be underlying motives involved. I think many people are already somewhat aware of this. Mr. T appears to recognize this “children’s issue” and seems determined to address it. Apparently, this issue was first brought to his attention through his wife, who had heard about it from others.

If you’d like a clearer understanding of what I’m referring to, I suggest watching *Sound of Freedom*. This film is based on true events. It likely won’t be available on Netflix, so try to catch it in theaters before it stops screening. It took five years to get it released, and another year before it was shown in Japan. They even tried to block its release, but with Mr. T’s support, it finally made it to the screen.

Returning to Mr. T, there was a period during his presidency when he famously fired several people under him, giving rise to the phrase “You’re Fired.” This was because, as he began working on his campaign promises, DS affiliates repeatedly interfered by doing the exact opposite of what he intended. This made him realize he was surrounded by DS operatives, which led him to fire them one by one. He mentions this in the video linked below.

The DS has likely been active since the days of President O (or even before), and while it might seem unrelated to Japan, the DS has a presence there too. These affiliates in Japan are heavily influenced by their American counterparts. Now, with the DS-affiliated party holding a majority of seats, Japan could face significant consequences. Take Mr. I, for example. While he likely isn’t DS-aligned, he’s aware that his party’s leader is. And among the ruling party, Mr. S, who’s well-loved by the public, might unintentionally end up aligning with the DS if he were to become Prime Minister. Local residents say he’s very personable, attending local festivals and maintaining close ties with his community. He seems like a good person, honestly.

Speaking of Mr. S… there are countless DS-related events, but one well-known example was the postal privatization under his father’s leadership as Prime Minister. At the time, I didn’t understand why we needed privatization. Was it really the best way to revitalize the economy? I wished someone would explain it clearly. But, as it turns out, this was apparently requested by the American DS. Recently, I briefly wondered if Japan is truly governed by its own people anymore. Japanese politics now seem largely directed by the American DS. One politician even said so publicly. And now, Mr. T, as a presidential candidate, has promised to “take down the DS” if he wins. That’s probably why he’s at risk.

Given all this, I decided to cast my vote for a new conservative party with traditional values. The left, or even the “fake conservatives,” could do serious harm to Japan. Think about issues like same-sex marriage or separate family surnames—not just in the short term, but from a long-term perspective. Japan is a country that frequently experiences severe disasters, and we need to keep that in mind.

Also, as a side note, the founder of N-TV is known to be DS-affiliated. Organizations often carry on the founder’s values, so it’s likely that this mindset still influences N-TV today. Other media with similar leanings may also be DS-related, which might explain the widespread biased reporting.

Why did I decide to speak out on these topics recently? On January 1, my spiritual guide sent me a message that touched on these issues, which led me to research further. I found multiple confirmations of what my guide mentioned. There’s more that I haven’t shared yet, as it might require a broader societal awareness before it’s possible to openly discuss. Those involved in these circles have, of course, known about this for years. When my spiritual guide feels compelled to inform me of something, I believe it’s essential knowledge—maybe even vital for the future.

So, I’ll leave you with a link to a video discussing DS and related topics. If you’re ready to “graduate from the uninformed masses,” even just a little bit, give it a watch (laughs).

It’s true that we can live without knowing any of this. In fact, maybe life is happier that way. But by understanding these larger structures, you might discover ways to live a more fulfilling life. That’s a positive thing. Besides, I believe this issue will have a profound impact on Japan’s future. So, rather than feeling disheartened or afraid after learning about this, I think it’s important to consider how to live calmly and happily, even with this knowledge. Sometimes, we may even need the courage to let go of things as we move forward.



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