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あなたとエネルギーフィールドを共有している人々 / The people who share your energy field.

▼The English text is written below.
▼The English text is written below.























From my observations of energy vibrations, I’ve come to realize that human connections work like magnets. Even when we actively seek out new relationships, the people we are meant to connect with will naturally come into our lives. Likewise, if there is a mismatch in energy, even if a connection is initially formed, it will quickly fade away.

Now, take a moment to think—what kinds of people are in your life?

Who do you surround yourself with?

If you often find yourself thinking, “I’m always surrounded by weird people,” have you ever considered that you might be attracting them? People with a strong sense of pride may struggle to accept this idea. If you recognize that you are the one drawing these people into your life and view them as a mirror reflecting your inner state, you might gain valuable insight. However, if you simply label others as “weird” without truly knowing them, it may indicate a tendency to look down on others—perhaps even unconsciously. In some cases, it could be a habitual way of thinking.

The truth is, you are connected to these individuals through shared energy. Until you release that connection, your soul and spirit will not progress to the next level. I know this may sound harsh, but I can’t just turn a blind eye. Sure, I could say only comforting things, and that might make you happy in the moment, but if you never become aware of these patterns, your soul will continue to go in circles.

This type of energetic connection doesn’t just apply to “weird people.” It manifests in various patterns: always being around controlling individuals, constantly attracting people who rely on you, or frequently encountering those who try to assert dominance over you. Each of these patterns has its own nuances, but they often share underlying similarities.

For example, if you believe you’re always surrounded by “weird people,” it suggests that you have a strong sense of pride. Pride itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can take different forms. Broadly speaking, some people focus on self-improvement and introspection, while others are preoccupied with their social standing and how they are perceived by others.

The difference lies in whether you focus inward or outward. Those who believe they are constantly surrounded by “weird people” tend to focus on the external—on their social position and how they are seen by others. The same applies to those who feel the need to assert dominance over others. While everyone has the freedom to focus on whatever they choose, as long as your attention remains fixed on the external, the cycle of struggle will continue indefinitely.

Ultimately, you are the one attracting your circumstances. On an unseen level, you and those around you are energetically pulling each other in. Given that, what benefit do you gain from surrounding yourself with “weird people”? Or, what do you gain from viewing others as “weird” in the first place?

For most people, the main benefit is the feeling of superiority that comes from looking down on others. But are there any other reasons?

Here’s something to consider: The very act of trying to feel superior over others is actually a sign of insecurity. If you can recognize this within yourself, you are already in the process of stepping out of that energy field. Everyone, to some extent, has areas where they lack confidence. Those who can acknowledge their insecurities and accept themselves as they are tend to be genuinely strong, highly evolved individuals with a naturally high vibration.

However, those with an excessive sense of pride often struggle to confront or accept these aspects of themselves. Instead, they seek superiority by putting others down. This feeling of superiority is addictive—once experienced, it becomes a cycle. Unconsciously, people create environments where they can continue feeling superior and attract those they can look down upon. More accurately, they are mutually pulling each other in. It’s not just that one person is looking down on another—the other person is also looking down on them. Energetically, they are on the exact same wavelength, perfectly aligned within the same energy field.

If you take a closer look at the people around you, you might notice this mutual pattern of looking down on each other in an attempt to feel superior.

As long as you remain in that energy field, your vibration will not rise, nor will you experience personal growth. Consequently, you won’t be able to attract truly positive, meaningful opportunities or environments.

But once you step out of that energy field, new paths open up, and new connections naturally come into your life. Understanding the nature of the energy field you’re currently in is crucial. The moment you become aware of it, it becomes “old” for you. And to move beyond it, you must acknowledge, “I seek superiority over others because I lack confidence in myself.” Accepting this is the key to breaking free.

Rather than focusing on those around you, shift your focus inward. This doesn’t mean seeing yourself as special or superior—it means observing your own thoughts and actions. What trivial judgments are you making about others? Where are you seeking validation? If self-reflection feels too uncomfortable, you may choose to stay within the cycle of mutual superiority. But that path is undoubtedly a difficult one.

Recognizing these patterns and making changes is not just about achieving personal comfort—it’s about elevating your spiritual and energetic state.

So, do you want to step into a new world?

Or do you prefer to keep going in circles? END


©2019 by JYOTI*。 で作成されました。

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