The thumbnail photo is a snapshot of me writing this blog. It's not that I have a picture of Trump on display. I'm not that much of a fanatic. I was just working while listening to a live interview from the White House at low volume. For some reason, hearing American English calms me down.
Why do I record the visions of the future I have seen in blogs and videos after the fact? The reason is that by analyzing them, I can refine my psychic sensors. Yes, in reality, this is a very personal journey. I truly appreciate you taking the time to engage with these discussions.
However, sharing information about the future that hasn’t happened yet with a large audience can amplify fear and, in turn, strengthen the energy field of that potential future. If there is any element that could shift the future in a positive direction, spreading fear could suppress or even eliminate that possibility. That’s why I try to be cautious. I also prefer not to jot down notes—whether on my phone or on paper—because once something is recorded, it begins to hold power. This is especially true for handwritten notes.
I’m writing this in mid-January 2025 (though it will be posted in February). Looking back a year, 2024 was a year when I felt compelled to understand the "hidden side" of what was being said and done in the world.
Some of the things I’ve come across could easily be dismissed as conspiracy theories, but I don’t believe they are conspiracies at all. There were moments when I realized that it was necessary to be aware of these narratives as well.
Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that the insights from my Higher Self and the visions of the future I receive have become increasingly difficult to interpret using conventional knowledge alone. This suggests that my ability to read beyond the ordinary has expanded significantly compared to before.
It has now been a year since the Noto earthquake. On January 1, 2024, I was driving home when it happened. After arriving home and zoning out for a moment, I suddenly heard my Higher Self say, "Noto earthquake, Kashiwazaki nuclear plant, something was shot from above." Along with this message, I received both an interpretation and a vision. I muttered to myself, "What? What does this mean?" Hearing my reaction, a family member asked, "Did something come through?" I then shared exactly what I had received.
The idea of "something being shot from above" refers to things like laser weapons or HAARP technology. Weather modification devices that can generate rain clouds or typhoons, as well as devices that can induce earthquakes, have existed for decades. Countries have agreements not to use them as weapons against one another. With today’s advanced technology, it is possible to monitor underground conditions, and theoretically, if a region is already at risk of an earthquake, applying a trigger could artificially induce one.
Decades ago, an artificial earthquake experiment near Odawara unexpectedly caused a magnitude 5 quake, disrupting the Tokaido Shinkansen. This was even reported in newspapers. The ability to induce earthquakes exists, even if not necessarily for military purposes. Some argue that a magnitude 7 earthquake couldn’t be triggered by such technology, but just because it isn’t openly used doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Devices of this nature are known at a classified level, and many people are already aware of them. How does this kind of information leak? Likely through whistleblowers, especially in countries like the U.S., where exposing government secrets is more common.
The full extent of which nations possess these devices remains unclear, but the U.S. definitely has them. However, was it really the U.S. that fired something at Noto? My intuition at the time pointed to China. Recently, Japanese commentator Hiroyuki Nishimura ("Hiroyuki") stated, "Noto must be rebuilt at all costs. If not, another country could take control and seize it. Since there is only one access route into the Noto Peninsula, if it were occupied, reclaiming it would be extremely difficult." Given that the region faces the Sea of Japan, it naturally raises speculation about which country might have such intentions. Personally, I find it deeply concerning that reconstruction efforts in Noto remain slow. I wonder if you feel the same way.
Meanwhile, the Japanese government has been withholding funds for Noto’s recovery while continuously sending vast amounts of money to Ukraine and other countries. This is due to U.S. Deep State (DS) influence. There are claims that Japan is being financially weakened to prevent its military from growing stronger. At this point, I assume most people are aware of this. With the change in the U.S. presidency, I hope things take a turn for the better.
Kashiwazaki Nuclear Plant is located in Niigata Prefecture, relatively close to the Noto Peninsula. I wasn’t aware of it until recently, but just a few days before the Noto earthquake—on December 27, 2023—the Nuclear Regulation Authority granted permission for the plant to load fuel and restart operations. This plant had been shut down for years due to inadequate anti-terrorism measures.
Interestingly, this February, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is scheduled to visit Kashiwazaki for the first time at the invitation of the Japanese government. This nuclear plant is one of the largest in the world in terms of power generation, and restarting it is expected to bring about 440 billion yen in economic benefits over the next decade. My Higher Self indicated that this plant is somehow connected to the Noto earthquake. One interpretation is that certain groups might have wanted to destroy it using an earthquake. But what is really going on? I feel that something significant is unfolding.
As I wrote before, when I saw a vision of Japan engaging in economic cooperation with another country from a spiritual perspective, had I not been aware of the Deep State, I would have interpreted it as a positive development. However, understanding both the surface and hidden aspects of situations has led me to reassess how I interpret my visions. This realization has encouraged me to look deeper into topics commonly dismissed as conspiracy theories. As a result, many visions I’ve received from my Higher Self over the years have started making sense. If I had relied solely on mainstream media—often called "old media"—I would not have been able to properly interpret these psychic visions.
Furthermore, depending only on mainstream media means missing out on crucial information. I strongly encourage broadening your sources of knowledge.
I had many visions in 2023 about the future of 2024, but I’ve forgotten most of them. The ones I do remember include missiles appearing again, rising tensions and conflicts worldwide, increased volcanic activity in both Japan and other countries, food shortages, and foreign nationals (possibly Chinese or Russian) stepping onto Japanese soil in large numbers.
At this point, I’d like to reflect on those visions one by one.
Recently, visions of missiles flying have become increasingly common. In 2023, I remember thinking, "Missiles again?!"—perhaps that vision was related to the conflict between Israel and Iran. However, in the fall of 2024, I also sensed war-related energy coming toward me. I found myself anxiously wondering, "Could another war break out besides the Israel-Iran conflict?"
About a month after I picked up on this energy, both Japan and the rest of the world began to buzz with discussions about the high probability of World War III (WW3). At the same time, tensions between Russia and the U.S. had escalated to the brink of conflict. (Back then, the Biden administration was provoking Russia repeatedly.) While many were focused on WW3, I personally felt that the chances of war breaking out between Russia and the U.S. were even higher. In hindsight, the wave of energy I initially picked up on may have been the fusion of both conflicts.
Visions of people around the world becoming increasingly hostile and engaging in disputes seemed to be driven by the energy surrounding immigration issues in various countries.
In Japan, we have the Kurdish community issue in Saitama and problems related to foreign workers overstaying their visas, such as technical intern trainees. Meanwhile, in 2024, the U.S. government deliberately accepted a massive influx of immigrants, causing an already high crime rate to skyrocket. Similar immigration crises erupted in Germany, Sweden, the UK, and other nations, making 2024 a year of widespread unrest.
Sweden and Germany, in particular, are in dire straits. Sweden, once the world’s leading welfare state, has now become overrun with crimes like sexual assault due to the overwhelming number of incoming immigrants. This immigration crisis has led to frequent clashes among people in many countries, turning such conflicts into part of daily life.
Regarding visions of volcanic activity intensifying, this is happening exactly as I saw it. Both in Japan and worldwide, volcanic eruptions became more frequent throughout the year. This trend actually began around 2023, but I sense that volcanic activity will continue to increase in 2025 and 2026. Dormant volcanoes, as well as those that haven’t erupted in a long time, will likely become active again.
When I first had visions of a food crisis, even I was somewhat skeptical. However, it seems that this crisis is slowly beginning. It won’t be a sudden shift where "one day something triggers an immediate food shortage." Instead, it will unfold gradually, creeping up little by little.
This crisis isn’t merely due to poor harvests caused by climate change—it feels as though something is being intentionally controlled behind the scenes. Recently, amid the scandal involving Fuji TV and Nakai, a bill called the "Food Supply Crisis Response Act" was quietly passed. This law is set to take effect on April 1, 2025. There may be a connection between this and the food crisis.
The food-related energy I sensed in 2023 seemed to manifest in 2024, when rice became scarce for a period and its price soared. Prices of vegetables and other food items also skyrocketed, leading to supply shortages.
Just yesterday, I visited an AEON supermarket in Chigasaki for the first time. The store was fully stocked, with shelves overflowing with food. Seeing this, I briefly wondered, "Is the food crisis really progressing?" However, I believe that food-related issues will continue to escalate, worsening step by step.
I had a vision of Chinese or Russian individuals continuously arriving on Japanese land. When I first saw this, I immediately thought, "Is a war breaking out?" I assumed it was related to the Taiwan crisis. However, in retrospect, I believe it was something different.
Japan is not being overtly invaded through war—it is being infiltrated from within. Many pro-China politicians hold key positions in the Japanese government, favoring China in their policies. It is through these powerful figures that Japan is gradually being eroded from the inside.
In the fall of 2024, after a government change, the Japanese government approved relaxed visa policies for Chinese citizens, including the issuance of 10-year tourist visas. As a result, Chinese nationals can now easily obtain Japanese driver’s licenses, national health insurance, and even welfare benefits. While many strange policies were already being passed under the previous administration, this decision further accelerated Japan’s internal infiltration.
At this rate, Japan risks being taken over. I urge everyone to participate in elections. Please research and identify which political parties are harming Japanese citizens before casting your vote. And for the love of Japan, do not vote based on superficial reasons like "I shook hands with the candidate," "I spoke to them once," or "They are famous." Carefully examine their policies and promises before making your decision.
I also had visions of things that do not seem to be tied specifically to 2024. One such vision involved "that guy from Yokosuka" becoming Japan’s Prime Minister.
In the fall of 2024, I was surprised to see him enter the party leadership race, thinking, "Isn’t this a bit early?" Either way, his rise to power would not be a good thing. Even if the Prime Minister changes, the puppet show will continue. Worse still, someone with even more harmful intentions toward the public may take office before him.
I sense that a major disaster may occur in 2025. However, rather than living in fear, I encourage everyone to keep their spirits strong and maintain a positive mindset.
That said, "keeping a positive mindset" does not mean pretending to be happy on the surface or trying to eliminate all negativity. Even if you feel down at times, avoid thinking things like "There is no future." Instead, tell yourself, "Everything will be okay." Even if you struggle to believe it, remind yourself anyway.
Rather than "convincing yourself," think of it as "reassuring your inner self that things will be alright." I hope this message reaches you. But perhaps, we can discuss this further another time. END