▼See below for the English version.
When I look ahead to the future of Japan and the world, I can’t say a particularly bright outlook comes to mind. However, I believe this is because we’re at a major turning point. If you focus on specific details, of course, there will be pockets of happiness. But on the whole, the future doesn’t appear to be one where we can feel a carefree sense of optimism. Between 2025 and 2026, I think we’ll see a broad reset in various areas. Then, starting in 2027, a phase of rebuilding will begin.
So if someone feels discouraged by what seems like a dark outlook, it’s important to remember that there’s no need for despair. In fact, now is not the time to waste energy on feelings of discouragement or anxiety. This is a time to focus on releasing negativity that might be lingering in your heart and mind.
Polarization will continue to deepen in many aspects, especially when it comes to our inner selves. We may see people’s hearts growing either increasingly positive or increasingly distressed, with a sharper contrast between the two. But the goal isn’t about being on the “right” side of a divide—whether positive or negative. Instead, what we should aim for is balance, the “gray” area.
As we work to release the negative feelings or energies within us, we can eventually reach a point where our hearts and personal energy become clear, even beyond that gray area.
It might be easier to explain this in terms of yin and yang rather than simply “black and white.” Here, yin represents negativity and yang represents positivity. Our goal is to bring these energies into harmony. To become someone with a clear heart and aura, we need to fully accept and embrace both our positive and negative sides.
It’s natural to feel comfortable with positivity—after all, it’s uplifting and easier to take in. But focusing solely on positivity can limit growth. If we avoid looking at what’s uncomfortable, we may never expand our emotional resilience or consciousness. In other words, we don’t really mature; we stay emotionally or spiritually small. The same can be true if we are overly focused on negativity. This is true not only for our personal energy but also for the soul level.
Now, I’m not suggesting that we need to spend time consciously thinking about negative things or trying to add negativity to our daily lives. Instead, it’s about being open to everything within ourselves—both the positive and the negative.
Think about this: it’s easy to love the positive parts of ourselves, but most people tend to dislike their negative sides. But isn’t that a conditional form of love? Wouldn’t it be kinder to love ourselves unconditionally? Treating yourself any less would be a shame.
You are, after all, your own best ally.
Returning to the topic of the reset period in 2025 and 2026, we may see an increase in people tilting toward negativity. Those who have always held a lot of negative energy in their hearts might find themselves becoming even more negative. But interestingly, even people who have long favored positivity may also find it easy to fall into negativity.
During any major reset, negative energy fields naturally tend to emerge and even grow stronger, making it easier for people to be drawn toward negativity. For those with a lot of negativity in their hearts, it can be particularly easy to get pulled in that direction, so it’s helpful to release as much negativity as possible now. If we allow ourselves to fully “sink” into negativity, it can become very difficult to return to a balanced state.
For people who have focused exclusively on positivity, it’s possible they aren’t truly positive at heart. No one is without negative feelings, but it’s common for people to ignore or suppress them. If you’ve ignored the negative parts of yourself, then that positivity may only be superficial, not much different from someone who leans toward negativity.
Avoidance doesn’t lead to a good outcome.
When we acknowledge and accept our negative sides, those feelings can transform; they may even dissolve or integrate, depending on the situation. This brings us closer to that balanced, “gray” area.
While this has been mainly about negativity, there may also be times when we need to bring our positive energy toward that same balanced gray.
By gradually integrating both our positive and negative energies, we can expand our capacity for empathy and resilience. When our hearts grow stronger in this way, we’ll find we’re able to remain calm and centered, even in the chaos that may come during a time of resetting.