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ニューワールドオーダー、私たちはどう生きていくべきか?/ New World Order, How Should We Live?

▼The English text is written below.
▼The English text is written below.





先日、マレーシアの元首相であるマハティール氏が、国際会議で「ニューワールドオーダー」について語っているのを偶然見かけた時に「私が去年見たヴィジョンは、このことだと思う!」と直感しました。それは「ニューワールドオーダー 戦争のレシピか平和レシピか」という会議で、ニューワールドオーダーについて細かく説明をしている動画でした。しかし、その内容については、多くの人が信じることが出来ないものだとは思います。きっと都市伝説か陰謀論だと思うことでしょう。

















This Article Was Actually Written in Early December 2024

Before I knew it, the end of the year had arrived, and suddenly, it was time for the New Year. I figured posting something like this right at the start of the year might not be the best timing, so I decided to delay it a bit.

You might have come across this phrase in conspiracy theories or urban legends. Translated directly, it means "New World Order," but for the longest time, I didn’t actually know what it truly meant. I had heard the term before, but just recently, I finally grasped its meaning.

It turns out, it’s closely connected to a vision I had in a dream back in 2023. Some of you might remember a video I posted about a striking vision I had. In that video, I mentioned seeing an alliance government forming, with Japan and the U.S. being part of it. Other countries were involved too, but I couldn't tell which ones. It seemed like they were working together on economic matters. The "economic cooperation" didn’t appear to be about specific policies—it felt more like everything was centered around money. But since I tend to view things in a positive light, I assumed that an alliance government must be a good thing. I imagine many people hear the term "New World Order" and think it must mean a better world.


The other day, I happened to come across a speech by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir at an international conference, where he was discussing the New World Order. As soon as I saw it, I had a strong intuition: This is what I saw in my vision last year! The conference was titled "New World Order: A Recipe for War or Peace?" and the video went into great detail about it. However, I know that most people would find it hard to believe. They’d probably dismiss it as just another conspiracy theory.

Back in the spring of 2020, I told a few clients during a session, "Something like Noah’s Ark is going to happen worldwide. People will be selected, so always keep your heart clear and strengthen your mind." I wonder if anyone remembers this? That’s exactly what the New World Order is about. It starts with people being selected based on their abilities in various areas. Sounds unbelievable, right? I thought so too—it seemed way too absurd.

I don’t answer questions that are purely driven by curiosity, like "What will happen to the world?" But when I receive future insights automatically (messages from higher-dimensional spiritual guides), I do occasionally share them with clients in sessions.

So, will the New World Order bring world peace, or will it plunge the world into chaos and misery?

Long before I saw Mahathir’s speech, I had already come across this idea multiple times from other sources. But to be honest, it never really sank in. I brushed it off as just another conspiracy theory.

To put it simply, the New World Order is about establishing a "One World Government." It aims to eliminate all nations and borders, pushing for globalization, so that there is only one government governing the entire world. On the surface, that might not sound too bad. But here’s the catch—this government would be controlled by the so-called "elites." A government that rules over the entire planet. If you think about it, doesn’t that sound terrifying?

When I say "elites," I’m referring to a select group of people—those who are extremely wealthy, highly intelligent, and incredibly powerful in various ways (this is often what people mean when they talk about "Deep State"). Those who obey the elites can continue to live normal lives. But those who don’t? They face severe consequences.

And now, it seems that these elites have reached a stage where they possess weapons capable of wiping out large portions of the world’s population. They have immense military power and no hesitation about destabilizing or even destroying governments. Any leader who resists them is removed. 2024 saw more elections than any other year in history, resulting in leadership changes across many countries. This doesn’t seem like a coincidence. But some leaders, like those in Italy and Argentina, are courageously fighting back, trying their best to protect their citizens.

Under this system, people will only have access to basic necessities if they submit to the global government. And submission means giving up freedom of speech. Anyone who expresses "incorrect" opinions (meaning, anything the elites disapprove of) will be smeared by the global mainstream media and so-called "fact-checkers." This is already happening to many people—some have even come forward and exposed it. Right now, this mostly targets high-profile individuals, but I believe it will eventually extend to ordinary citizens. We’re already seeing moves toward censorship in Japan.

At this moment, multiple wars are taking place around the world. Under the Biden administration, tensions between the U.S. and Russia were at an all-time high, and war seemed almost inevitable. Thankfully, that didn’t happen, and now, with the Trump administration starting, the situation has changed. But the truth is, war plays a key role in advancing the New World Order.

The countries pushing for this New World Order don’t wage wars on their own soil. Instead, they ignite conflicts elsewhere. War is used as a tool to weaken and destabilize nations, forcing their people into submission. When people’s livelihoods and moral compasses are shattered by war, they lose their will to resist.

The elites want to reduce the global population from 8 billion to just 1 billion. This has been planned for over a century. The numbers may have shifted as the population has grown, but the goal of depopulation remains the same. And now, it’s actively being put into action. However, with the change in the U.S. administration, things might be shifting. The new leadership is taking steps to dismantle the Deep State.

It’s difficult to wrap one’s head around such a plan. I have a strong intuition that this is real, yet my logical mind keeps rejecting it. No matter how many times I read or hear about it, I remain skeptical. Reducing 8 billion people to 1 billion—this means the vast majority of the world’s population would disappear. How do you think that would be accomplished?

There are many possible methods, but the quickest would be nuclear weapons. I don’t think they’ll resort to that immediately, but they might use the threat as leverage. Nations could be coerced into submission through fear. At this moment, I don’t sense that nuclear weapons will be used. But 2026 feels risky. While the energy surrounding this scenario has weakened a bit, war in 2025 is still something to be cautious about.

Other strategies include mass starvation, controlling birth rates, and accelerating deaths through illness. I won’t spell it out, but those who understand will know what I mean. The plan involves flooding our food with additives and pushing harmful substances onto people through major media narratives, effectively brainwashing them into self-destruction.

It’s hard to believe, but for a small group of elites, this is their vision of "world peace." However, for the rest of humanity, it means living in chaos and oppression. If you want to know more, I encourage you to do your own research.

Oh, and by the way—be careful with "fact-checkers." Many of them are aligned with the Deep State and can’t be trusted.

This is a pretty heavy topic, so I’ll stop here for today. But it’s important to be aware that such plans exist. As censorship tightens, even blogs may become restricted. Maybe I should add, "This might be a conspiracy theory" just to be safe. lol.



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