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Sometimes, when I see the aura of someone who has a clear goal they want to achieve, I get a distinct sense of their future. In those moments, it feels as though their future is already set in stone. In most of these cases, their willpower is strong, and they genuinely believe in their ability to make it happen. I’m always impressed by the intensity of the energy radiating from such individuals. It would be wonderful if everyone could maintain such strong determination and realize their desired futures. However, since each person’s nature is different, disparities inevitably arise.
Even for those who have a vision of their desired future and are taking action toward it, there are often certain patterns that prevent them from achieving their goals. Here are some common examples:
When it comes to their ideal future, they might:
Be overly influenced by what others say
Frequently change their mind
Tend to dwell on negative thoughts
Struggle to believe that their ideal future is achievable
Experience extreme emotional ups and downs
Feel undeserving of their goals
Blame others or their environment for unfavorable circumstances
Make excuses that block progress toward their goals
Subconsciously fear what might happen if their goals are realized
Carry hidden fears about their aspirations.
There might be other patterns as well, but these are the most common ones.
As I mentioned earlier, the aura of someone with strong willpower is clear, radiant, and leaves a powerful impression. This clarity reflects the direction of their desired future. To create that future and draw in the flow needed to achieve it, you need to infuse your aura with focused energy and align it with your vision of the future. Your aura not only creates your future but also attracts the help and opportunities required to get there.
The strength of will I’m referring to here isn’t about mere determination or effort. It’s about being in harmony with the energy of the universe—tuning your vibration to match that of universal energy. To get closer to this state, it’s essential to identify and strengthen your intentions, as they represent the voice of your soul.
This means that any desires or intentions born from ego or a false sense of self aren’t your soul’s voice. No matter how strongly you wish for something or how hard you try, such desires won’t manifest, nor will they create the future you want. For instance, if your goal is driven by comparing yourself to others—wanting something better than someone else—it falls under ego-driven desires, whether it’s money, material possessions, fame, or status. Such goals, being rooted in the false self, won’t attract the outcomes you seek.
Similarly, when you try to fulfill desires imposed on you by others, it often leads to a lack of progress toward creating your ideal future. For example, you might dislike something, but a parent or partner pressures you into pursuing it because it aligns with their wishes. When you try to fulfill someone else’s desires against your own will, your energy becomes stagnant, and no forward flow occurs. On the other hand, if your desires align with those of others and you feel genuinely motivated from within, a strong will can lead to the creation of your desired future.
In any case, your aspirations must come from your true self. Even the slightest hesitation or discomfort can disrupt the harmony of your energy with the universe. When you feel no hesitation or discomfort, your energy is in its most harmonious state with the universe, aligned with its vibrations. This is when you’re most connected to your higher self and most aligned with your soul’s direction.
When you are in harmony with the universe, without hesitation or doubt, your energy flows smoothly. Your emotions, mind, body, and aura come into alignment. If you find lingering discomfort or uncertainty within yourself, practicing meditation as a daily routine can help you reconnect with your higher self.
When there’s no hesitation or doubt about what you desire, you’re less likely to be swayed by others. However, if external influences cause discomfort or uncertainty about your aspirations, it might mean those desires don’t truly align with your soul. In such cases, take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and inner sensations to reassess your goals.
Be particularly mindful of negative energy, as it tends to exert a stronger pull than positive energy. This can make it harder to distinguish whether your desires come from your soul or your ego. Careful self-reflection is crucial here.
To align yourself with the universe and determine whether your desires come from your true self, focus inward and balance your energy. Meditation can be a powerful tool for this. It calms the mind and clarifies your true desires. Once you’re sure your goals are free of hesitation or doubt, believe wholeheartedly that they will manifest. This belief and determination will lead to the creation of your desired future.
Let me end by sharing three simple tips to adjust your energy and attract the future you want:
1. Strengthen Your Willpower
Practice meditation or introspection to calm your mind and clarify what you truly want.
Use visualization to vividly imagine your ideal future and connect with the emotions it evokes. Check for any discomfort or doubt during this process.
2. Stay Grounded When Your Thoughts Waver
Frequent shifts in focus can scatter your energy. Write down your goals and keep them visible to stay centered.
Spending time in sunlight can also help stabilize your emotions.
3. Overcome Negative Thinking
Negative thoughts cloud your aura and lower your vibration. Cultivate gratitude to raise your vibration.
Find small joys in daily life and express appreciation for them. This will cleanse your inner energy.
That’s all for today. Take care, everyone!