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正しい霊的世界の知識、妖精さんではありません / Correct knowledge of the spiritual world. Not fairies.

▼The English text is written below.
▼The English text is written below.






















Many people believe that orbs floating in the air are “fairies.” However, they’re simply spiritual entities, not fairies.

Orbs are often seen in places considered spiritual hotspots or areas said to have strong “energy.” It seems that people who don’t want to acknowledge the existence of spirits started referring to orbs as “fairies.” Alternatively, it might have originated with those unable to identify what type of spirit the orb represents. In any case, there’s no need to classify each spirit, and frankly, it’s better not to.

It’s also unclear why some refer to these entities as “fairies.” Many people think of fairies as benevolent beings that protect humans, but fairies don’t serve such a purpose. In natural settings, you may sometimes notice small flashes of light or glowing spheres, but these are prana (energy or life force) emitted by plants, not spiritual beings. However, this phenomenon is the true identity of what people call “fairies.”

These prana “fairies” don’t possess will or consciousness like humans do, but it is possible to connect with them. That said, direct verbal communication with plant prana (i.e., what is referred to as fairies) isn’t possible. If you want to establish some form of connection, it must be through energy interaction via your spiritual guide or by connecting energetically with the prana. Even then, the interaction is limited to a sense of connection rather than a direct dialogue.

When words come through during such a connection, it’s not the fairies communicating. It’s likely another presence. Fairies never initiate conversation. If the messages come from your higher self or spiritual guide, that’s a positive interaction, but it’s not guaranteed, so caution is advised.

Orbs frequently appear in photos or videos, but these aren’t fairies—they’re spirits floating nearby. Typically, they’re earthbound spirits.

You’ll find more orbs in places where people gather. For example, I once saw photos taken along Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki, Hawaii—a street lined with hotels. Every picture showed countless orbs, captured at various spots along the avenue. At first glance, I mistook them for soap bubbles. The sheer number of orbs was astonishing.

When people travel to Hawaii, they usually stay at hotels along Kalakaua Avenue. As a result, the street is packed with restaurants, fast-food joints, convenience stores, and souvenir shops, making it lively even at night, with throngs of tourists. The more crowded a place is, the more orbs—or rather, spirits—gather there.

I used to see orbs with my naked eye. One day, I suddenly started seeing them, and the experience persisted until I learned to control it. Once I mastered that, the orbs stopped appearing automatically.

The first time I saw orbs with my own eyes was near a tunnel close to Kamakura Station. It was around 8 PM, and I was driving when I noticed several fiery spheres floating near the ground. Initially, I thought it was an optical illusion or light reflecting from the tunnel, but I continued seeing them even after passing through to a regular road. These fiery spheres emitted light, and from the following day, I began spotting them near busy highways and major train stations. Since I frequented a café in Kamakura at the time, I also saw them there.

What struck me as interesting was that there were more fiery spheres along busy highways and near Fujisawa Station than in Kamakura, a city with a deep historical significance. Kamakura has many historical sites tied to the Kamakura period, including castle ruins in nearby Zushi, but I saw far fewer fiery spheres there compared to Fujisawa or the highways. In historical places, the orbs were fewer in number and stayed close to the ground, while in busy areas, they floated at human height and were more vibrant in color.

The fiery spheres I saw are likely the same as the orbs captured in photos or videos. While orbs in photos are often colorless, appearing as translucent circles, what I saw with my eyes were fiery, trailing lights.

I’ve met others who have seen fiery spheres, too. Some drivers told me they were frightened when fiery spheres seemed to collide with their cars. I’ve had similar experiences while driving—numerous fiery spheres would strike my windshield, obscuring my view. It felt like heavy rain hitting the glass during a storm. I had to adjust my speed and maneuver around the fiery spheres to see ahead while driving.

Speaking of fiery spheres, my mother once mentioned that she saw them while living alone near Tokyo Tower during her college years. That area is dotted with temples, and her apartment overlooked a cemetery. She claimed that fiery spheres appeared after someone was buried, possibly due to burning phosphorus from the bones. However, what my mother saw was likely different from the spheres I encountered, as hers could be explained by physical phenomena.

Returning to the topic, why are fiery spheres or orbs more common in places with many people? Spirits tend to gravitate toward “windows of light,” which they see as gateways to the afterlife. While these spirits remain earthbound due to lingering attachments, they still seek an escape. Streetlights or the light emitted by living people may attract them, leading them to mistake it for the gateway they’re searching for.

Places like downtown areas, train stations, schools, concerts, or stadiums are filled with the light from countless people, making them hotspots for these wandering spirits. Sensitive individuals who find themselves drained in crowded spaces may be feeling not only the overwhelming energy of other people but also the chaotic energy of these spirits.

Moreover, wandering spirits sometimes latch onto people in crowded areas, leading to what’s commonly called spiritual attachment or energetic contamination. This is one reason why sensitive individuals and psychics often avoid such places.

If orbs appear in photos or videos around a person, it’s worth being cautious. I’ve seen cases where orbs seem to attach to or enter a person’s body, and soon after, the individual falls ill. Similarly, I’ve encountered instances where pets developed health issues after being photographed surrounded by orbs. Pets are especially vulnerable to their owners’ energy and can absorb negative influences. While not all illnesses are caused by such occurrences, it’s something to keep in mind.

In conclusion, celebrating the appearance of orbs in photos as “fairies protecting you” is a dangerous misconception. In such cases, cleansing or purifying the area might be a better course of action. Orbs are not a cause for celebration; they’re often a sign to proceed with caution. END


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