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波動の影響を受けてサイキック能力が開く!?/ Psychic Abilities Awakening Under the Influence of Vibrations!?

▼English text is at the bottom.









Aさんは、いくつかの事業を行い、会社経営をしているのですが、2020年のコロナ禍が始まる数ヶ月前に、どこからともなく降って来た(ガイドだと思います)「他者から依頼されてやり始めた ”とある事業”を売却した方がいい」というメッセージを受け取ったそうです。それは飲食業でした。コロナ禍では飲食業が営業停止に追い込まれ、ややこしい事になりましたよね。コロナ禍が始まる3ヶ月ほど前に、その事業を良い条件で売却できたそうです。








The other day, I attended a car meet-up for the first time, which is a gathering for enthusiasts to share their love of cars. About half the attendees were driving cars worth around 25 million yen each (roughly $170,000), which was honestly mind-blowing in the best way possible. On top of that, I overheard some of them casually mentioning that they owned two of those high-end cars, or even five Porsches, and had just recently bought another one. To say I was stunned would be an understatement! But beyond the awe, I felt like I was soaking in a particular energy—one that only people with a smooth flow of financial and entrepreneurial energy seem to radiate. (Haha!)

It wasn’t like they were bragging, either. These conversations naturally revealed the number of cars they owned while they were simply discussing specs and features. Unfortunately, some people tend to get bitter when they hear stories like this and jump to conclusions, thinking, “Ugh, show-offs.” But that kind of reaction often stems from a mindset of dissatisfaction or a sense of lack—essentially, it’s a reflection of their own beliefs and attitudes. Sure, there are people who flaunt their wealth, but not everyone who talks about their possessions does so to boast.

Now, let’s talk about envy for a moment. Some people resent those who are wealthy or successful in business. But here’s the thing: harboring envy won’t bring you any closer to those blessings. On the contrary, befriending such people can expose you to their energy, which can gradually shift your mindset for the better. Instead of feeling envious, you should focus on building those connections. After all, the fact that you feel envy likely means you also aspire to achieve similar success in wealth or business.

And this principle doesn’t just apply to money or business—it works the same way in areas like love, family, or any other aspect of life. If you surround yourself with people who constantly complain or envy others, your energy won’t align with your goals. In those cases, it’s better to reconsider those relationships. Of course, everyone goes through tough times, but for those who keep pushing forward without complaint, offering genuine support can make a big difference. Supporting others is a positive act, and the energy you invest in helping them will always return to you in some form.

Anyway, back to the car meet-up. Long story short, the event organizer somehow figured out that I’m psychic! (Haha!)

Let’s call this organizer “A.” According to A, my energy somehow triggered their own dormant psychic abilities to awaken. Apparently, they had developed some psychic abilities during childhood, which became even stronger when they started living in the U.S. Based on their past experiences, A believes that spending time around someone with an awakened psychic energy can influence and activate those abilities in others.

However, when A returned to Japan, their psychic abilities completely shut down and had remained dormant for decades—until they met me at this event. After meeting me, their abilities suddenly came back in full force. To me, this is fascinating on so many levels. Even A admitted that they found the timing curious, but I felt that their abilities reopened now because they need them at this moment in their life.

Not that I’m Sai Baba or anything! But I do believe that energy can significantly impact the people we interact with.

It was my first time meeting A. There were two other newcomers at the event, and A had a hunch that one of us must have been the source of their reawakened abilities. They later told me that they’d already sensed some kind of energy from me during our earlier DM exchanges about the event details. Honestly, if someone can pick up on energy from written messages, they must be incredibly sensitive.

From what I can tell, A is on track to develop even deeper connections with their higher self and spiritual guides, possibly even gaining the ability to see future visions. They already seem to have a faint connection with these spiritual entities. A also runs several businesses and shared a story about receiving a message (likely from a guide) a few months before the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. The message told them to sell a particular business they’d started at someone else’s suggestion. That business happened to be in the food service industry, which, as we know, faced severe challenges during the pandemic. Following this guidance, A sold the business under favorable terms just three months before the crisis began.

This is a perfect example of how connecting with one’s higher self and spiritual guides can create a smoother path in life and business. While A mentioned that these entities don’t necessarily guide you toward massive success, they often help you avoid significant risks, allowing you to continue your journey without major setbacks. That said, A’s current success—owning five Porsches, with plans to buy more!—speaks volumes about their achievements. I imagine their natural business acumen, combined with spiritual guidance, has helped them navigate toward the right opportunities.

When people think of someone who’s successful in business and passionate about luxury cars, they might picture someone deeply rooted in the material world, far removed from spirituality. But that’s not always the case. I’ve long hoped to meet individuals who seamlessly integrate the material and spiritual worlds, and I’m convinced that people like A are exactly that. Their energy feels deeply connected to the universe, even though they are a calm, soft-spoken person.

At the event, I also connected with a woman—let’s call her “B”—who shared a similar energy to A. What struck me most was the healing energy radiating from B’s entire aura. I’ve met countless professional healers at various seminars over the years, but I rarely encounter someone with energy as pure and beautiful as hers.

To wrap up, I have a strong sense that I can help amplify A’s psychic abilities by resonating with their energy. Keeping this in mind, I’ll continue my daily practice of clearing and purifying my own consciousness, ensuring that even the smallest blocks are released.

Oh, and one last thing. For months now, I’ve been receiving messages from higher-dimensional beings about the coming chaos across the world, including in Japan. During these times, it’s more important than ever to focus on your own life and find ways to live happily. The key to this is staying connected to your inner self and aligning with your higher self.

I’ll share more about how to connect with your Higher Self next time!

Take care!



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