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The Replicon vaccine has been available nationwide since October 1, and Japan is the only country in the world that has approved this vaccine and the only country in the world where vaccinations are offered. To be more precise, a clinical trial was conducted in Vietnam, but it has not been approved. The fact that “Japan is the only country in the world where it is approved and where inoculations are administered” is quite disturbing.
It is not reported in the news, but it is frequently talked about on social networking sites, and is said to be a conspiracy theory, but let's not just position it as a conspiracy theory and pass it by. It is better to know both what is reported in the news and what is not reported in the news.
It seems that this vaccine has the potential to transmit something called infectious biologic toxin not only to the person who has been given the vaccine, but also to those around him or her through the exhaled breath and sweat of the person who has been given the vaccine.
This is called “shedding” and refers to the phenomenon in which the mRNA and spike protein produced by the vaccine can infect “others” through the exhaled breath and sweat of the person who has been exposed to the vaccine.
This is what I am most concerned about. If there is evidence that this possibility is truly absent, I would be reassured, but in the absence of evidence, I would still be wary. Even if I were reassured, I would not vaccinate any more. I don't want to find out later that there is nothing I can do about it.
And I see quite a few doctors' offices, clinics, beauty salons, yoga studios, and other service businesses declaring, “We do not allow people who have been given this wa*n to see us or visit our stores,” on the Internet. At the same time, I also see people making fun of or ridiculing these things on the Internet, but I think they are probably just taking shots at people who are “pro-vaccine” and “anti-vaccine,” so I probably shouldn't worry about it. I can understand why clinics, beauty salons, yoga studios, etc. would make such a declaration.
I have read online the opinions of various doctors that the coronavirus, which has been a big deal for some time since 2020, is now much less virulent. At such a time, the question arises as to whether this vaccine is really necessary. For elderly people with pre-existing medical conditions, they need to be careful about all kinds of colds, including influenza, and of course, it would be better if such things could be prevented, but at least I am aware that it is not necessary.
For the time being, we will see what the public has to say and listen to the opinions of various people, and in some cases, one of the things we will consider is that sessions for those who have been vaccinated will be online only. What is important, I believe, is that we will make our decisions based on the information that comes out in the future.
However, the world has become a strange place. As in the case of the Hyogo Governor, it seems that news programs sometimes broadcast fabricated information, so it may be better not to just believe what is reported on the news. (Actually, it may have always been that way.)
I guess I'm back to living in a mask again. I'm fine with it, because I had the habit of wearing a mask at work, on the train, in crowded places, and during dry weather, even if I didn't have a cold myself, for more than 25 years before the Corona fiasco started.
Also, please let me know a word if you have been vaccinated.
See you later.